Parkinson's disease

The movements of the body are controlled and coordinated by specialized neuron clusters in the brain. An outstanding role for the control and fine-tuning of movement sequences is played by an extensive core area in the center of the cerebrum, the "basal ganglia".
The most frequent symptoms occurring as a consequence of a functional disturbance of the basal ganglia is Parkinson's disease.
Parkinson's disease manifests itself as, frequently asymmetrical, akinesia (poverty of movement) with bradykinesia (slowness of movement), postural instability and resting and postural tremor. Often, there are also multiple non-motor symptoms such as autonomic dysfunctions, olfactory disorders and sleep disturbances. The pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment options for Parkinson's disease have improved considerably over the years. In recent years it has also been possible to improve the mobility by electrical stimulation of the basal ganglia. We have had experience in the field of deep brain stimulation for more than 20 years.